Thursday, October 6, 2011


There are so many reasons why that word is going to drive me crazy.

Let's start off with my physical unform, since I've already talked about that one to you.  I mean, who thought that an elastic drawstring waistband would make for comfortable pants? They were very, very wrong. Also, it is just me, or are those pants getting a little tighter? I think it's time to chill on the snacking. But being in cooking school makes that out to be a rather difficult task. Plus, they changed things around, so now I will be unable to take anything that I make home! Sad day! And since I won't be eating it at home, let the in-class face stuffing commence. And we have a special exchange program going on with the baking class next door. Some pretty great stuff is produced in those ovens. I guess that doesn't help the tight-pants problem. Oh well. You only live once. Once you get past the pants, there's the hat. I hadn't had to wear it until today because I hadn't worked in the labs yet, so I didn't know how obnoxious it is. It's hot, it totally screws up my hair, and it makes me look bald. I realize that two of those reasons are vanity issues, but the baldy look is not a look I would care to embrace.

Alright.  The second kind of uniform that shall drive me batty (Get it? Batty? 'Cause Halloween's coming?) is, as Webster says, “having always the same form, manner, or degree”. Uh... That sucks. I'm not the most consistent person on earth. I need variety! I need originality, people! Too bad my instructors didn't take my “originality” rant in relation to my varying sizes of diced onion. I guess I'll have to practice my conforming-to-the-world tactics before midterms roll around.  On a happier note, my carrot slicing rocks. I mean, look at this picture below and just try to tell me that those 1/16th of an inch, or “Fine Julienne”, carrot slices that I made with that massive knife aren't impressive. Actually, don't try to see if they're unimpressive. Because you don't want to hurt my feelings. Thanks.

If you ever need carrots sliced into strips or cubes that are 1/16th of an inch, I'm your woman. Not because I like slicing food, but because I can direct you to a store that sells sliced carrots. 'Cause who ever needs to know how to slice carrots that small?

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